Hiya! This is an English blog by Japanese, Hana, who lives in Japan.



Menu 051 -My little indulgence-

Today I went to a hospital for my regular checkup.
Both of us, my baby and I are very well.
My baby was too shy to let me know about it's sex, a boy or a girl, though.
Now I'm just 20 weeks pregnant. So my maternity life is literally "halfway".
These 5 monthes were really long way...

At last, I've got to feel the fetal movement clearly since last week.
It makes me really happy, being able to know the baby is well.
(Sometimes the powerful kick or punch gives me a slight damege, though)
Because my No.1 concern during these 5 monthes was that I couldn't know if my baby is fine.

By the by, my No.1 concern at this moment is the weight control.
During last 4 weeks, I have put on more weight than I desired.
I'm 100% sure what the cause is...

This is it!!!  

Should I stop to lick this for my weight??
But 2 or 3 table spoons of chocolate syrup a day are my little indulgence...

2 件のコメント:

  1.   チョコシロップは、確かにどうかと思います。買ってしまったのが失敗!好きなものは捨てられないでしょ。ウエイトの面だけでなく、健康面でもなんだか、ポリフェノールのコレステロール抑制効果以上に脂肪分とか糖分とか過剰になりはしないかと案じてしまいますね。

  2. 舐める量を減らすよう努力します...
