Hiya! This is an English blog by Japanese, Hana, who lives in Japan.



Menu 058 -Revenge-

Last night I shook my belly, shouting "Wake up, Baby. Are you OK?"
My behaviour seemed uncomfortable for my baby and I may have made him or her grumpy.

This morning, I woke up early without alarm clock, feeling something strange in my belly.
The very next minute, I felt my baby moving vigorously.
I've never experienced these strong quickening before.
It was like my baby woke me up as a last night revenge.

To know my baby's healthy condition is more than happy for me.
But this morning quickening was too vigorous to not be able to keep sleeping.

I will swear I never shake my belly intentionally...

This week's belly (22w)

2 件のコメント:

  1. その様子なら男の子かな?お腹大分目立ち始めましたね。

  2. 男の子っぽい気がするんだけどねぇ。おなかも大きくなってきたわ。仰向けがつらくなってきた。
